The Student's Hostel San Leonardo offers all schools the ideal solution for an educational trip to discover the places of Emilia Romagna. The hostel lends itself perfectly to being the perfect place to host all school groups who want to move easily to visit the main tourist and cultural destinations of Emilia Romagna and beyond.
The strategic position of the city of Ferrara allows, in fact, to easily reach places such as Mantua, Ravenna, Bologna and Venice or Verona again.

The schoolchildren who stay in our hostel find in the professionalism and friendliness of the staff, as well as in the beauty of the places, a point of reference around which they can become protagonists of their educational journey and live a unique experience.

The rates are the most convenient in the city of Parma. In addition, schools are given a truly advantageous offer.

It is possible to choose between different solutions, from the Bed & Breakfast formula (BB), or bed and breakfast, to the half board formula (HB), to the full board formula (FB) and, finally, to the full board formula with travel basket for lunch (FB +).




  • € 23.00


  • € 40.00

  • € 32.50

  • € 25.00



  • € 38.00


  • € 55.00

  • € 47.50

  • € 40.00



  • € 53.00


  • € 70.00

  • € 62.50

  • € 55.00



  • € 63.00


  • € 80.00

  • € 72.50

  • € 65.00

All rates are per person and include breakfast, 24-hour non-stop reception, access to the internet point and wi-fi, sheets, luggage storage, air conditioning.

The brand new restaurant inside the structure, inaugurated in September 2020, will offer different courses of excellent quality. Each meal includes a first course, a second course with side dish, water, bread, fruit and coffee. The menus can be agreed by choosing between 4 different first courses and 4 different second courses.

Our partner organizes, according to educational needs, personalized itineraries for school groups of all levels: guided services, admissions to exhibitions, museums and monuments, internships and educational workshops.

We propose below some guided tours organized:

Itineraries for middle and high schools:

» Roman Parma

Archaeological itinerary recommended for classes I of the lower secondary school. In the company of a Guide-Archaeologist, the children will be led to discover the Roman origins of the city of Parma and some significant interpretations of ancient history. Among the topics covered, the history of the foundation, the organization of the Roman colony, urban planning, the study of monuments in situ, the study of documentary sources such as epigraphs. We will visit the historic center to conclude with a short tour inside the National Archaeological Museum or the Diocesan Museum (based on the preference of the teachers and the availability of the Museums).

» Medieval Parma

Historical-artistic itinerary recommended for classes II of lower secondary school. Understanding the language of images and symbols of medieval art as a mirror of a society and a culture so distant in time is the main objective of a city tour that winds through the Cathedral, the Baptistery and the Diocesan Museum. Among other things, we will observe the representations of the trades in the cycles of the Months, the real and fantastic animals of the zoophore, the messages hidden in the friezes and decorative motifs.

» Protagonists of the Renaissance: Leonardo, Correggio, Parmigianino

Historical-artistic itinerary recommended for classes II and III of the lower secondary school. With a Guide - Art Historian, the itinerary deals with the key themes of sixteenth-century painting through the works of the city's churches and the National Gallery: the nuance, the perspective, the representation of the affects in the gestures and expressions of the characters, the portrait. It is possible to extend the visit to the afternoon by visiting the Castle of Fontanellato.

» Musical Nineteenth Century

Historical-musical itinerary recommended for classes III of lower secondary school. Through the two key characters of the city's history, namely the Duchess Maria Luigia and Maestro Giuseppe Verdi, students will be introduced to the key themes of the nineteenth century and the many transformations of society between the Restoration, the Risorgimento and the Unification of Italy. We will visit the Glauco Lombardi Museum, the Teatro Regio and the historic city center to grasp the transformations of the last two centuries. It is possible to extend the route to the afternoon, by visiting the Palace of Colorno.